
Trivia Night at Shake Shack in Forest Hills, Queens, NY

I love trivia and Shake Shack in Forest Hills has a trivia game every Wednesday at 7 p.m.

I’m looking for up to 7 teammates. I really want to win. Nice prizes/swag and lots of fun!

Comment or contact me if you want to play and also do an Austin Street crawl.


Walking through Forest Hills Gardens


Yesterday was a sunny, windy, blue-skied Spring day and my boyfriend Paul and I decided to walk through Forest Hills Gardens, an uberposh private community near where we live in Queens, NY.

Forest Hills Gardens, founded in 1909, is the first planned garden community in the United States. Designed a century ago by Grosvenor Atterbury and Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., Forest Hills Gardens is an oasis in the very heart of Queens. The Real Estate prices of houses for sale there are $1 million or more.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Forest Hills Gardens has a very unique architecture. I wish I knew more about it and may have to go back and visit the Church to ask about the gorgeous building.


I found this document from 1911, written about Forest Hills Gardens. It’s interesting to read the perspective of it from the time it was created.


I hope to explore more of Forest Hills Gardens with Paul, as we both really love it. I appreciate that we can have nice outings as a couple. I was single for a long long time. Sometimes I forget that I’m not single and in a culture that is designed for couples and families, it’s nice to sort of fit in. It’s also nice to be able to walk around holding hands, steal kisses on a bench, and for the moment, feel that everything is actually good.